Moonbeam Network Metrics: A Deep Dive into GLMR
Its main selling point lies in its unique blend of Ethereum compatibility and cross-chain integrations, offering developers a platform for their decentralized dreams.
Ethereum Compatibility with Cross-Chain Integration
Ethereum, the state-of-the-art blockchain that is known for its smart contracts, has not been immune to its own set of challenges. The high surge in gas fees and the growing burden of capacity limitations have cast shadows over Ethereum's otherwise revolutionary potential.
Solution to Ethereum's Scalability Issues
Enter Moonbeam, the good side to these scalability issues.
Moonbeam brings in a promising solution, providing a bridge that connects the Ethereum and Polkadot ecosystems seamlessly. What's even more remarkable is that it empowers developers with the freedom to wield their trusted Ethereum development tools with only minimal adjustments, making the transition effortless and empowering.
The Rising Moonbeam Network
Since its launch, the Moonbeam Network has been on an upward trend, creating a remarkable journey that commands our attention. Let's embark on a data-driven mission to uncover the milestones that mark its progress.
Moonbeam Network Growth (as of September 17th, 2023):
Unique Users:
A mind-blowing 18,864,843 unique users have connected to the Moonbeam Network. The highest increase in new addresses on the Moonbeam Network took place on the 28th of April 2023, which was an astonishing 417,653 new users in a single day!
Monthly Active Addresses:
In the Month of August, on average, 4090.74 addresses were active. As of 17th of September 2023, an impressive 4,049 addresses actively participated in the Moonbeam ecosystem, bringing more attention to this flourishing network.
The highest number of active addresses on the Moonbeam Network was recorded on the 20th of February 2023, which was a stunning 76,093 active users!
Average Gas Price:
The network had an average gas price of 173.3 Gwei on the 17th of September 2023, ensuring cost-efficient transactions for its users. The average Gas Price for the entirety of August 2023 was 189.84 Gwei.
The highest average gas price ever recorded on the Moonbeam Network was 46,936.38 Gwei which took place on July 18th, 2023. Now isn’t that mind-boggling?
Transactions on the Moonbeam Network:
As of August 2023, there were a total of 1,339,929 transactions took place. A dynamic 41,165 transactions took place on Moonbeam on the 17th of September 2023, reflecting its healthy activity and utility.
On August 2nd, 2022, Moonbeam broke their personal record of daily transactions, the new record set was 200,412 transactions/day, which is yet to be beaten.
Least amount of Blocks and Block rewards mined:
The foundational blocks of Moonbeam's success are forged through 7,126 mined blocks, rewarding participants with 549.136 $GLMR Tokens.
The lowest number of mined blocks and block rewards were on March 12th 2023, the number of mined blocks was 2466 blocks and the rewards were 968.84 $GLMR Tokens.

Average Block Size on the Moonbeam Network:
As of 17th September 2023, Moonbeam's blocks carried an average size of 5,841 Bytes, proving the network's efficiency. Curious to know what was the biggest blog size on the Moonbeam Network? It was 45,801 Bytes which happened to be on the 10th of February 2023.
Average Time Taken to Add a Block:
The network's speed shines through as it took/ an average of approximately 12.14 seconds to add a new block on the 17th of September 2023, ensuring timely confirmation of transactions. The Longest time taken by the Moonbeam Network to add a block to the blockchain was 34.95 secs, this happened on March 12th, 2023. Also, it took an average of 12.11s to add a block in the Moonbeam Network in August 2023
Leading the Token Transactions
The Moonbeam Network's inner workings are highlighted by the insights uncovered within its Block Explorer. Amongst the many transactions, two wallets stand out as beacons of activity between September 11th and 17th, 2023.
Who sent the most GLMR Tokens recently?
A remarkable 8,541,121.48831 GLMR Tokens have flowed from this wallet, constituting an astonishing 16.95% of the total GLMR Tokens sent during September 11th and 17th, 2023. The Wallet Address is 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001010 which belongs to Binance
Who received the most GLMR Tokens recently?
In return, this wallet received 8,883,578.51726724 GLMR Tokens, commanding an impressive 12.61% of the total GLMR Tokens received during September 11th and 17th, 2023. The Wallet Address is 0xB224228b0Fe71ceBf95EE25339166CD626759b52.
Top Transactions on the Moonbeam Network
Further exploring the network's bustling activity between September 5th and 11th, 2023, we encounter two wallets that have etched their names in the books of Moonbeam's transaction history:
Wallet with the most Outbound Transactions:
Wallet Address 0xe93685f3bBA03016F02bD1828BaDD6195988D950 takes the lead with 10,524 outbound transactions, an impressive feat that accounts for 12.64% of all transactions on the network between 11th and 17th of September 2023.
Wallet with the most Inbound Transactions:
On the flip side, Wallet Address 0xccCDD23E11F3f47C37fC0a7C3BE505901912C6Cc takes the crown for receiving 10,525 inbound transactions, constituting yet another 12.64% of all transactions within the network between 11th and 17th of September 2023.
Top Token:
In the realm of tokens, one reigns supreme on the Moonbeam Network - the XEN Token (mbXEN). An astonishing 337,822 unique wallets have mbXEN stored in them, solidifying it’s status as the top token in terms of unique addresses.
Max Supply Of Moonbeam ($GLMR) Token:
The Max Supply for $GLMR (Moonbeam) is 1,084,329,795 Tokens which is priced at $0.1705 per token at the time of writing.
The future for Moonbeam Network looks quite promising. With an upward trend in growth and its unique features like Ethereum Compatability, we look forward to Moonbeam Network’s success.
(Trade Moonbeam (GLMR) and 200+ other coins with 0 fees* on Zelta.io)
(Image Credits: Moonscan)