Siddhartha D.
7:41 5th Aug, 2022

4 Ways on How To Make Money In Web 3. A Simple Guide

In this short guide, we will reveal some resources to get started with your web3 career. It's short, simple, and easy to implement.

Web3 has been at the forefront of emerging technologies. Naturally it brings with itself ample of opportunities. In this blog we will be learning ways to make money in web3.

Career in WEB 3

You can find a ton of opportunities on this website:
Just hover over the tabs, see what fits your skillset and shoot the shot!

Btw while you are at it, Zelta too can use your talent. Send us an email at

Web3 Career Zelta

Crypto Jobs List

The Twitter account (@CryptoJobsList) posts job opening at web3 startups.
You can skim through their feed and apply for the position you find interesting.

Crypto Jobs List Zelta

Web3 jobs on LinkedIn

Search for "web3" on LinkedIn to find people and companies working in web30. Other search terms like crypto, DAO or blockchain can also be used.

Once you find a desirable person/company, go ahead and approach them via email, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Linkedin Zelta

You can also find jobs under the job section and looking for roles of your choice to get opportunities.

Job Search Zelta

Sample outreach messages you can use to email/DM founders

These are generic templates that would work well, but you can also add your own sauce to them. Remember the more personalised your email the better it is!

Email template:

Subject line: NAME - quick question/ application for [role]


Hey [NAME], saw that your company had an opening for [role]

My name’s [Your Name] and I’m exploring opportunities for [role]

[Write if you have worked for any similar role earlier]

Would you mind if I send over my profile to see if we can work together?

Best Regards,

Your Name

DM Template:

[NAME] saw your tweet about hiring [role]

I would be interested in exploring this opportunity.

What would be the further steps?


Good Luck!


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